首页 > 都市言情 > 无情冷血是什么生肖 > 第6章 The Erha Inn

第6章 The Erha Inn(第1/2 页)

最新都市言情小说: 穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃

hter six: the erha n

sean: s

ather: sn

ti: en datns t night

latin: qianlie t- the erha n

the jt''s lit like a hristas tree, th a zz the air thik enh t thrh re's parked at a tae ff t the side, jt hang'' fr the gr t hit the tae qg''s vie is ft as a s eeze en she asks gzh "he 're fr ard here, rn and ed, right?" gzhgives a little nd, n fs

then ta nere, a tr hllers, ", iter! hit th a j f -shelf aa fizzze"

the iter es k th, "a sht, an, ''re fresh ta aa tdah'' i hk th fresh er speial? it''s the nera this ek"

the g''s fae drps a t, "alright, hit th the t then i a''t a t rll the die n the ther stf"

the iter''s all grs, "gt it, ss tfresh g right "

g gned ard and piked the thread, "des anne else feel like this pe is fr anther rld? everhg here, the fd, the gds, theall see f step th the side"

gzhhid , " t has al en der the prtetin f qgxian anr the anr''s aster set a rrier ard the periter, keepg siders at art fr the dial fd hall, rarelstep nd rders, hene ver the ars, ''ve develped a f life that''s prettie"

right then, the server led ver, learlsed, and th a slight said, "the dishes need a t re ti t k t perfetin please enj tea the anti" after pg the teas th a tl sng ver his shder and fillg the , he ndded pliteland ted ff

after a nt f refletin, g respnded, "i see g ff fr the rest f the rld fr lng, it akes sense that the te and lifeste here

d disttive…"

qg , lkg at gzh "it, 're talkg a a rrier set the aster f qgxian anr? , are sa re alld ae the aster let ?"

gzhndded aga nfiratin

qg''s expressin shifted as she tned t g, "h n, if le kn ''re here and dn''t paa visit, he''s selgg t set"

gzhlked sprised, "le?"

qg replied th a sile, "ah, the aster f qgxian anr is le ardg t at said, if there''s a rrier and he didn''t let , dn''t have en ae t e here…"

g set d his tea, "let''s visit hi trrrng qg atll sides keepg pann this trip there''s a sall favr i need t ask jt a t tlittle thg," he said, phg a sall distane th his frs, then lked d, seeglerrassed t sait l

qg, at red, tped n the tae, i, "h? jt spit it , at ard the th ?" she hed, hldg her hpstiks readfr the al t e, learlhgrafter the da's ativities

g lked earnestlat qg, "atll i''ve prised fengshi''d help lift the seal n hi thg hi ve sleverda his pa affets all i reallnt t help," he said, his es filled th hpe

the server, arr a steag pte f fd, prahed the tae th a sile, " dish f fried ptates is here" he set d the pte and pted at a sall dish, addg, "this is he speial hili sae, please enj after neatlarrangg his rn, he tk the traand sftldeparted

fengsh had en iet, perked at the sight f fd, "the fd''s here, the fd''s here"

qg, thg fengsh's siple jand thed g''s rds, sighed ftl "ah didn''t ntin this earlier? if had said thg ner, i

d have asked father fr help i'' nt se if le an lve a seal, t if he an, he selll help" she ked at g and ntd, "i''ll help th anhg ask"

seeg qg''s fatted expressin and hearg her rds, g felt a r fzess side, "thank qg" theexhand a sile, the aane htg at a sprkle f rane

after the al, everne retired t their rs, fl and ntent the r shared g and fengsh the d f sn filled the air, arkg an end t the da

the ther r, gzhsisted n sleepg n the flr, t ih qg ntlreplied, "i''ve tld are sisters, e, sleep n the d" thehatted frtat the night til thefalldrifted ff t sleep der the nlit sk

the peae s shattered a ''reak'' as a fige th ite hair and a asked fae silentllid thrh the ddrag knives that glead ldlfr her ist, she liked their handles tther and sp the th pratied ease fre aig at the sleepg qg

as the fige prepared t strike, gzh aht een sleep and kefness, sensed thg aiss relpeng her es, she threherself ver qg and ried , "iss, ke , t ese!"

startled ake gzh's ar, qg rd her es nfin, "at''s ng? gzh"

gzh's vie treed th n "iss, ese! there''s an assass!" lgg tightlt qg, she psitined herself as a shield, vg despite her k f artial skills, "i ant skilled t, t i ll nt let e t har iss, r!"

qg, sprised, lked een gzhand the ite-haired asked an the an had alreadp aher knives and s kneelg nfed, qg asked, "at''s hpeng?" and then t gzh "gzh let g f first if hld n like this, i an''t r even if i nted t"

realizg her grip, gzhiklthdreher hands and, still th her es lsed, panikedld, "iss, r!"

"alright, al d tn ard and pen es," qg replied, then she faed the laked an, " are d enter r the iddle f the night? speak pl
