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第5章 The Immortal Market(第1/2 页)

最新都市言情小说: 穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃

hter five: the irtal arket

sean: s

ather: lear

ti: dk

latin: qianlie t- qgxian vil

qg, g, and fengshre n their t qgxian vil the seneralng the s delightf, and the tri s high spirits, enj their ti tther ntied the re asinal shad flikerg , t this didn''t spil their leiseld

press qg gazed at the peaef srdgs and ed, "this jneisn''t as danr as dad had rned"

g replied th a gr, "dear press, dad s jt rried a headg he s prjt tr t spk a t dn’t sat it"

at that nt, thelked ver at fengsh s hg n a panake ile drivg the arria "an, this panake is aazg, jt sh it sn’t dri’ ttg thirsthere"

g thed fengshlfg d his snak and plspped his shder, "easthere, ddn ne''s gnna steal fd sld r 'll hke n it"

fengshspke ile sakg his lips, "the panakes here are h tter than the nes fr qgsh t, the nes ht fr the rphana re dras dt t lk at these—stfed th at and veggies, aeldelii!"

g tned t qg and said, "let''s ignre this gf fr n''re alst at qgxian vil d knthe histrhd this ts na? it''s kd f dd"

after thkg fr a nt, qg replied, "i rer dad nting it ne it’s an anient tale this pe s ne vaded rrians fr the rdernds a gr f g tivatrs g fiere fire tehnies led the har t drive the k hnr f their aver the kg f that ti pernallnad the t''qianlie t' and ereted a stele the na has en passed d ever se"

g ndded thhtfl "h this thas s

h a lng histri’ve never heard f it fre, t i rer a streller nting sh a tehnie it relies n agial strts fr exein, and lend has it that even rdarpeple d learn it it''s jt that these strts are rare, n ne''s seen at theatlllk like"

qg shk her head, "strellers aren’t al reliae, kn"

as theved fr the stillness f night t the light f da, their jne dg als and adatins, nt redith, as if fate itself had paved a lear path fr the th fengshdrivg the arria ipeded, thetraveled aidst hter and nversatin, knglarrivg at the ft f qgxian vil

at the ft f qgxian vil, there s a lg arket fr tivatrs, ig th life and xthestrlled thrh the stalls, adirg alligrhand patgs qg s dra t aif hairps and asllpiked rand per as ll st f the ths, hver, re peddlg agial tls fr tivatin and vari pills fr irtalit

ne vendr s enthiastialladvertisg, "e take a lk! dn’t iss n the freshlharvested hangi ta gseng—jt ne an extend tivatin a hdred ars!"

g, pzled, asked, "isn''t hangi ta gseng spsed t e fr hangi ta?"

the vendr ignred the estin and sftlhand the sjet, "lk ver here! this is the freshlpiked i grass fr nan, the fest die der the heavens it ss eedg and dissipates ses ether sted r plied externall rivalg dern-daantiseptis"

g pressed n, "shdn''t nan i grass grg nan?"

aht ff grd t ik t thk, the vendr id, "and here have the tianshan sngandera, essential fr antivatr, all transprted diretlfr tianshan!" rdlhe thht,

"selthean’t fd fat th this?"

it s then qg stepped frrd and said, "all the nd der heaven lngs t the eperr, and ere is there a pe th slight that isn’t the heavens? sides, qianlie tis al a ta it these are lal gds as ll"

the vendr, ked t a rner, a fi and pled a felrafted dagr, threateng, "are here t r jt lkg fr trle? if re nt , t lst and s hderg ss"

g sht k at the stall g th an ied, "lk at htlg fakes and pfg en t aht tter hek that attite, ddat hpened t keepg it real?"

the vendr, all ht der the lr, snped k, "i ph stf, hit the rad a''t ss if i'' peddlg fakes , little pk, i'' a t shl he sared , steppg afr his stall, dagr hand, and ved n g

jt then, fengshaed , leadg the hrse art, and tssed a estin, "at''s the rk a? 's this ttg heated? and de, 's he vg a knife ard?" his fr pted right at the vendr

g tipped his head trds fengshand ipped, "g g, he''s trash-talkg

fengsh's es dened, "i dn''t knthis de, and he''s gt the nerve t diss ? h, that tiks ff" he let g f the res and gt a fir hld n the vendr''s dagr, his grip steadas a rk

the vendr p a fight, tr t estle his e k, t n atter hhard he pled and prdded, fengshs grip s like a vie the vendr even tried kikg, t fengshstd his grd like nthg s

en fengshfalllet g, the vendr stled and tk a tle seeg fengsh's pal, nt even a srath after grag the e, he gt k , freaked , and nt at fengshth a fere sta, the e sparkg t fengsh nt a srath

n hi

seeg the th g fld and lt, allg "nster" ver his shder, g raked a gr "fengsh dn''t sat the sall stf vi''s t gd t let a h like that ss th this pe, it''s like a freak sh gt all rts here" he nt d and ped the andned fake gds, "se he ked it, i''ll jt keep these fakes safe fr hi"

qg jt shk her head th a hkle, "nld snag sh easpikgs"

then her es aht a tin the distane, "hek that , a r''s gatherg ver there at''s gg n? let''s g have a lk!" she s all zzed, draggg g the hand trds the r

g, htlg alng, alled k, "fengsh ''re ahead, ath , ll ?"

"gt it, i''ll right there!" fengsh's vie ehed fr a k

phg thrh the r, g and qg aht sight f a sene that''d angd daa ragd, disheveled an s ttg rhed a nh f sers the rgleader had her hair a vie grip, all riled , "i paid gd net g k fr the gag den, t serve the patrns, and 're skg ff? tr t dk ?"

the an n the grd, tears and her vie, pleaded, "the den it''s srg th flks, i gt this a pa ll i jt an''t keep please, i'' gg'' give a eak, let rest fr a le f da"

qg''s vie d, "hld it right there!" as the th''s hand s ked k, readt sp the an

the r''s gaze snped t qg and g, akg their thrh "at''s the g deal th a nh f des pikg n a d" qg hallend

the head th sneered, eg qg and g, "sra, girlie, and take prettth lk ll-ff, d self a favr and tt "

g s a t sn k, " allg prett" t qg''s hand sht , silen

g hi
