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第3章 My Youthful Days (Part Two)

最新都市言情小说: 穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃

hter three: hf da (part )

sean: s

ather: sntng t l

ti: dai

latin: qgsh t

the s shne ightl th the asinal l driftg leiselarss the sk shieldg the tense heat and gg a ht f lness t the residents f qgsh tslight thed the entire t, and the streets re lg th peple vendrs set their stalls alng the sidelks, peddlg vari trkets partilpp re the ites reted t press qg—“e and see, this is a dive prtrait f press qg," ne vendr alled "lk here, this is the stepstl she ed t t nt her arria," anther dered "i have the handkerhief she thed, the night pt she ed, nlten s eah, everhg t g" t anther tepted the r hildren ran a, irlg little dills, ventg rh praise f qg fr a nt, press qg a an earthlanl eleated everne, and qgsh ttned t a pe f signifiant exitent and terest

the lendartales f qg have e pp gssip at leise tis strellers are ellishg her lends even fther: ''this dis d glden hlarr, eldg the iperial srd, th gs as real as life itself, snite and fess, trlike a fairdesended t earth, a perfet end f aand sd sdenl she pts her srd trds the heavens he gss at hpens next? an stant, the previllear skis shred th dark ls, and thder rars a nt t ik t fll she sgs her treased srd drds, sng tens f thands f elestial ldiers and nerals, prig t pish all the evils f this rld''

at a den teahe, g lked arss the tea tae at qg and hkled, "i didn''t knthat had gr gs"

annd, t hg, qg respnded, "it''s an

n, knit s a rr started ae f at i did t save and here are hg" her frehead frd th strahairs ftterg the air, she lred her es, rested her h n her hand, and ped, "ah father akes pratie alligrhand patg everda it''s tire i reallnt t g and p her es re filled th lngg

hearg this, g''s fae ke t a ishiev gr as he leaned and teased, "ere des the anl nt t g p is it a fare, needg t an"

qg''s fae lit th exitent, and she lifted her head, raisg her e, "great, let''s set ff trr she then lred her head aga, "t i'' afraid father n''t allit therse, let''s sa''re gg t visit le at qgxian anr father n''t et t that, and an rex n the

g ndded, "derstd—anli d i''ll g prepare right a th that, he tned t leave, sa, "see ter"

"he i haven''t fished talkg," qg alled , still th re t sa "it at if he desn''t agree?"

k at the qg sh trphana, g retned th a sprg his steps, pnderg ver the g g th qg as he stepped thrh the gate, his es nded n a rlg an sittg der a thathed shelter, repairg a hair th his re hands, harg nails th the need fr tls

"he feng s" g teased, "still haven’t fixed that hair ke the ther da"

feng slked th a gfsile, fshg a set f ite teeth, and respnded, "theal sai'' as slas a snail, thedn''t let d h i jt fd little thgs t d n nt like handthat an split fired rehanded i''ve heard ve gt a ast sealed side t an live like a nral pern ae d help , fd a fr t"

ved feng s's

sittin, g ntepted a thht he had heard that qg xian anr held rare treases, pssidg dive die r extrardartehnies that d eak seals the trip he s preparg fr s preiselt qg xian anr, and takg feng salng d prvide an additinal shield—if thgs gt rh, nt a d idea at all after a ief nsideratin, g said, "feng s i ight kna t i an''t grantee it''ll rk fr se 'll need t travel far th , and ight jt fd that agi e t eak seal are llg t take the hane?"

feng s's es lit th hpe, and he slraised his head, "reall that d great i''ve en endg the pa f this seal fr t lng, and i'' reallfed th it i s rn th the sense f pa, i dn''t knat pa feels like" he then thed the k f his head th a naive sile, " right ar is sealed th a den rster, ile i have a pr ar th thh i a ipervi t ns, evervent feels as if i'' g d, sland sggish"

" jt the f n''t enh ia, have t travel a lng distane, all t treat nditin n the ''ll need nefr fd, drk, and ldgg, right?" he raised his etrds feng s then asked, "d have ne"

feng sthhtflshk his head, "i dn''t have ne

"see, right?" g ntd, "neither f has ne t i have a friend fr a rih fail ae she d llg t help? if she agrees, an set ff t fd die fr right?"

feng sndded earl "s, that''s right, d need help"

"alright then," g sted his es, "s fixg the hair fr n and g heat ter fr i nt t take a ht th and rest ll en i'' a gd d, althfriend ll t, and if she''s hp she''ll agree t e th "

feng s's fae shd gra

tite n hearg this, "i reallan''t thank and friend enh i''ll g drathe ter right n as he spke, he tssed aside the hair he s hldg it fell art aga, t th tng his head r a send gne, he strde ff trds the ll the k trd, his heerfness as arefree as his steps

at the pre''s ansin qgsh t

"h, dadd" qg pleaded setl "please let g~ i prise t safe, dn''t need t rr sides, th g prtetg , an rest assed and let g~"

the pre fred deepl "that ld i d nt trt hi! even th n skilled prtetrs ansin, i still feel easare nt alld t leave the estate!"

"t, dadd i'' alread teens, a gr girl dn''t nt dahter t ga experiene the rld? qg an''t al gr der dadd's gs~ rever, le is the estate er, at''s there t rra?" qg tried t nve the pre th a seezed sile and a kle f earness her es

“sist n gg these da? i a t t enterta sh is even if it''s t le''s, i frd it! shall nt leave this pre''s estate, let alne travel t the distant qgxian estate!” the pre sternlrefes

qg sighs th affeted rr “as… i a pitiae, therless se hildhd, and even father desn’t are fr , plight is trsad,” she sdenlrsts t theatrial , “hh… ther, ere are e see hfan tah, this ld an, llies aga, treatg prl nt lvg anre hhh…”

the pre shakes his head helplessl “alright, alright, if allg an ld an pleases fe! half a ar, i ll take t see the sn” he nedes th a ht f dne

“hhh…” qg nts her exagrated r

“ka ka three nths, jt ver three nths, that’s the earlies

t a, i’ll take ” the pre asses her th dtg frt

"hh" qg nts t feign tears pitifl

"enh! s r if i let r ard arelessl that d tr arg f lk at the ther g dies f repae failies, dignified and ll-versed etiette, hardlsteppg side their frnt drs then there’s al lkg t ese side; that’s n havir fr a g denh said, g – ff t the str th tdashall pratie patg"

qg ters disntentedl “hph, i n’t g t the sti’ gg t ffer ense t ther,” and tns t leave

the pre shakes his head helplessland ves ver a servant: “all fster dahter here”

anile, qg hathes a pn: “han i g k n prise t g? se father frds t leave, i shall disgse elf as a dress like a servant, and slip a
