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第11章 Dark and Stormy Night(第1/2 页)

最新都市言情小说: 穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃

hter eleven: dark and strnight

sean: fall

ather: lear

ti: the night is aif

latin: qgsh t qianlie t

[qgsh t- pre''s ansin]

"reprt" a servant rhed , pantg th n and ted , " highness, ''ve nfird it—the attakers n the press re ndits fr qg ta, led the ndit leader jiang shisan"

the pre''s anr fred as he sd his hand n the tae, llg, "the nerve f hi! jiang shisan dares t pl sh a stt! qg''er even tipped hi st ti she s there, and nhe tns traitr? he''s nt ag a ripple n his ! n atter ''s plg his strgs, this jiang shisan has signed his death rrant!"

he then snped his frs and anded, "ne t here!" a ldier a t attentin fre hi, and the pre asked th n "are the trps read"



let''s t t the spirit f the sene th a transtin that gs the grit and gt f arian english:

the ldier snped t attentin, repl, “pre, the anders and ldiers have asseed at the rraks there readand itg fr and!”

the pre ndded, “that''s the spirit! i’ll lead the trps elf, pe thse ndits, and leanse qg ta th their d!”

the ldier sed his ft affiratin, “s, sir!”

the pre’s gaze s steelas he anded, “g arr, arh at ne!”

[qianlie t- qg ta]

side the ndit’s ir, a kesried t jiang shisan, tg pani, “ss, it’s d, real d”

seeg his fstered state, jiang shisan kiked hi t the grd th displease, rkg, “spit it ! at’s the rh? is the skfallg?”

the kegasped fr air, pressg, “it’s d, ss the pre hiself is leadg a assive art qg

ta, headg straight fr strnghld!”

jiang shisan std shked, “at the? i haven’t ffed anf his ats, s he gng fr here? the flks fr dng nted t rattle the pre’s a, hip aat his pr, t nt sign death rrant gs, trt hld the ff if it all ges h, g d sgg! i need t trak d that dng ntat and t the l” th that, jiang shisan lted fr his seat and slipped the k, kg it t the k ta

n the k ta, there s this fige fr dng, his fae hidden der the shadf a de strahat jiang shisan rhed th, “the gld gave s jt enh t ss th the pre’s head, nt t life nhe’s arhg here th an arat''s the p ae take gld k, and i''ll lear the air th the”

a fsh f the e, jiang shisan felt the end f his life prahg lenhg his teeth th his fal eath, he anad, “h ther n''t let this” fre he d fish, the dng an ldlted hi ff the liff

the an fr dng said iil “the gld s deed fr life, and n’re dne th then he strde t the ndit hide, anng ll “ ss gt taken the pre''s n n the k ta the ti i gt there, it s t te n the pre''s aris srg all ver the ta gtta arve a dpath and eak !”

jt then, a kehard , hallengg, “ the hek are t all the shts” he never gt t fish his sentene—a sft slie fr the dng an, and the air s thik th the spraf d the dng an then deanded, “anne else gt a pre?” silene fell ver the r

sdenl a rar erted fr th the ndit ranks, “fight ! fight !” the rs piked the thers, ehg, “fight ! fight

r !”

anile, lengfeng, s an qg the ave, sensed the tin f the prahg artheietlrept t the peak, hidg the shad t erve the sene lthesathe pre had alreadled his trps t the frnt f the ndit strnghld der the night sk the trhes ed n the frtress lls, itg everhg ard a fiergl

the pre std at the frnt f his trps, his vie thderg arss the field, "give k dahter r i''ll level hide! let jiang shisan shhis fae t !"

the an fr dng n the ll alled , "ai ask if are the pre?"

"i a deed!" the pre sht k "se kn i a, tter srender and hand ver the press, prnt!"

jt as his rds ended, the dng an n the ll sftlraised his katana, andg, "arhers, lse arr!"
