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第4章 We Leave

最新都市言情小说: 穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃

hter f: leave

sean: s

ather: verast

ti: night

latin: qgsh t

der the night sk the pre''s ansin s thed the ntle radiane f nterns the servants, th nterns hand and at their ists, patrlled the lng rridrs f the ansin th rhhi steps

ang the, a servant th a slender fige seed f pe, vg th aref, nearlsilent steps hat i pled lt hide st f the fae, it s qg, disgsed as a ale servant, ended t the night th, lkg fr the hane t sneak f the ansin

sdenl a failiar vie a fr the diretin f the garden: " g g he qg~ lk here, g i'' here" the fat vie ade qg''s heart skip a at seizg the nt en the ther servants ren''t lkg, she ietlslipped afr the gr, fllg the d t the garden passg a ster f flrs, she sptted g hidg hd a sall tree, vg at her ftivel

qg hried ver t hi, hands n her hips and pantg, "hdid t here? i s a t sneak the dark t fd the pre''s ansin is heavilgrded, and the lls are high, hdid ana t t ?"

g hkled, arhg an e "at''s there t sneak a? the herit has his triks i''ve en itg side fr t se didn''t e , i had t e t fd aren''t ear t g and have f? e n, fll" he then led qg t a rner f the garden, phed aside strat reveal an nspi little hle, jt r enh fr a pern t seeze thrh g d and raed first, then reahed k thrh the hle t signal t qg, "e n, give hand"

starg at the sall peng, a fliker f astnishnt rssed qg''s es, "atllnt t ra thrh a dg hle? d thk f sh a thg"

realizg there ight n tter t leave, she resigned herself t the idea adjtg her d she gt d n her hands and knees she first passed a ndle t g, tk it, and then extended his hand t pl her thrh the sall hle

ne qg gt t the ther side f the ll and std , g dn''t help t h at her attire, "hdid end dressed like this?" qg ped and exped, "it s the nlt sneak f the anr t fd i had t disgse elf as a servant i''ve ht lthes t han t, and i''ve prepared thg fr as ll"

she then tk a set f ite rs fr the ndle and handed the t g, "i had the tailr ake this espeiallfr ade it a t rr i figed d grtaller n, and it d fit jt right a ile"

g reeived the r, feelg a rth his heart he then pened his paka t reveal r fteads and a gd, "lk, i''ve ht the real deal!" qg sffed and ntltped the gd, "i knei dn''t reln this is idea f preparatin?"

g p n an aggrieved expressin, "h dear, all effrts sted" he shk the gd and ped a fragrant radish je "i pressed this je fr all night lng se dn''t nt it, i''ll jt have t enjit elf~"

qg anad a gr, "hph, thank verh and triks, give it here, this dis thirst

g siled ishievl "hld n n f se, there''s al a little sprise" as he spke, he prded a istle fr his and handed it t qg

qg iltk the istle and adired it as she tned it ver her hands, "it''s a t l t i like it"

g said affetinatel "i al rked thrh the night t ake this istle still thk i'' reliae? t i''ve en all night fr i hpe that n atter ere are, as lng as i an h

ear the d f this istle, i''ll e t right a

a fliker f etin rssed qg''s es, " it , at least 're at nsienti"

g graed qg''s hand and lked ard, " need t leave this pe n it''s nt safe t stahere fr lng e n, i'' gg t take t et a friend"

aht ff grd his sden atin, qg asked, "ih friend?"

g, hldg nt qg, ran a festeps and said as theved, "havg hi ard akes a lt safer~ he''s partildae"

qg tried t pl at s firlgripped g, "he he hean sld?" t fre she d fish her sentene, g had alreadpled her alng sftl

fllg lselhd g, thefallsped at the rphana''s entrane g sted fr qg t it a nt and ailphed pen the r dr f the rphana hd it, a strng fige sat, se silhtte alne, even der the di nlight, peared r and ipsg

"feng sh" g alled ftl

the shadf feng shslndded, his deep vie respndg, "s, it''s "

g fred slightl nfin, "didn''t i tell t it fr side dg the da fatt did r t the frnt dr?"

feng shpatted his rd llthhtfl "i s afraid dn''t ae t fd , i sat here itg fr t e k"

th a slight sile, g addressed feng sh "sill althfriend has arrived; she''s side have t g" effrtlessl he histed feng shnt his shder and ikllked f the rphana''s gate

qg dn''t help t sha trae f aent at the sight f a sknan arr a rd, heavet ne—deed, it s a iallpitese sene after g set feng shd, he tned t qg th a th f errassnt his es, " this is feng shlng strshrt

, need a arria d knere an hire ne?"

qg lked at hi teasgl "arra an t didn''t thk t prepare a arria advane?"

g srathed his head, at errassed, "arrias are nis and i s afraid f kg everne else at the rphana"

qg sighed ftland shk her head, lkg at g and feng sh "i dn''t even knat t sat jt adit en dn''t have ne stead f pg a the nise e th ; i knere an fd a arria" she led the takg the t a r trd th hrse staes

qg isklprahed the gate and knked heaviln the thik den dr: "ahan! are h? need a arria! ahan?"

"''s there? it''s te, the shp''s lsed, e k trr" a zvie a fr side

qg raised her vie: "ahan, it''s fan qg, i have an nt atter and need help please lend a arria"

the light side the he gradllightened, flld the ahan''s vie: "h, press qg it''s press qg" the ahan a fr side, slpened the a dr, shg a respetf t slightlerrassed fae, "i s d nt t regnize the press''s vie lgies fr nt greetg prperl press please five versight" he said, g deeplth his hands sped frnt f hi

press qg entered the ahan''s trd and prahed hi: "ahan, i have e tdath an nt reest father has anded t deliver a sealed letter t le" she paed, gng at g side her, and ntd: " trh, atters are nt nvenient t dislse t left a hrand ft t prepare a arria, hene, ’d like t rr arria fr this jne ll paas l, hdes that d?"

the ahan std and d aga: "press, the pre has lked

after failand nerlth his are, d have en destite hd i stand en e seekg help tda even if shed t take all the hrses the stae, i d nt hesitate"

press qg siled fatl "then i ll trle ahan, and thank fr effrts"

the ahan ndded: "n need fr fralities, press i ll prepare a -alithrse and harness it t a arria fr right a th that, he tned and headed trds the staes

g gave qg a slk and hkled ftl "ah, press qg, i never knere sh a silver-tngd speaker" he then started t iitate her a falsett: " ahan, the press has e t deliver a seret letter, g feth the hrse >< "
