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第10章 Isnt That Something

最新都市言情小说: 穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃

hter ten: isn''t that thg

sean: fall

ather: lear skies and ra after the ra

ti: da

latin: qianlie t- qg ta

the s peeked thrh the ls, fresh after the ra, astg everhg a glden glthe fall leaves, td th ll daned ntl the eeze, p ff the rathat had spshed arss the ska real pite-pstard nt qg''s arria snaked thrh the thik ds, its eels reakg n the ist trail

gzhgned the d then tned t qg, s lst her thhts, and ed, "iss, this gde t g is jt fr ntis, gdes are jt the start f a aif nehell he''ll jt fe—n need t fret" fishg her rds, she tenderlgrasped qg''s hand, tr t transfer a t f rth

qg gave a sall nd, learlnt the d t hat tianshan tngzi, hldg the res side, alled , "iss, life''s fl f ps, espeiallen 're g at 're gg thrh is jt a tpiee f it reds f da as a greenhrn"

hver, fre tianshan tngzi d fish his tale, a gr f knife-eldg ths sdenlleed d fr the trees, srdg the arria the rgleader, thg a adaxe, gred naglt the arria and snarled, "the pre has left high and dr tg ff qg ta re's gravtra se an''t hands n hi, ''ll settle the sre th his dahter''s life g!" th that and, the ths, th a nt''s hesitatin, hard at the arria th their srds dra

jt as the attakers ade their ve, dagrs zipped like lightng, strikg f the n fatallthe dagrs, attahed t has, retrated th a sn, and their handles liked tther as their elder graefldesended fr the sk ndg deftln f the arria th a al vie, she

said, "press, staside ng is te and gs fiveness leave the side rk t ng" n ner had she spken than ng flipped d fr the arria rf, engagg the ths a fiere skirish

seeg this, tianshan tngzi ikljed ff the arria and dked derneath it, lpg, "a, a—ld fan never ntined this trip s gnna diegtta save sk first" terg t hiself, he sared n his fae and pd pssn the grd

after a fiere ttle, the ths, realizg there n ath fr ng, satheir leader snath his adaxe, le nt the k f ne f the hrses, and sp the arria t a frenzied flight th ries f ''giddp'' ng sted n ti; she fng her haed dagr, its ha ilg preiselard the tip f the arria anp and she s isked a ht pst, td the speedg arria

the th drivg the hrses gned k and, th a khand sg, vilentlhpped ff the f the arria anp the nexpsed arria, qg and gzhre thr a as the arria htled d the drad ng, thr ff ne the sden ightlessness, s left trailg hd sarelk n her feet, the gns re n her aga, their nsht preventg ng fr res the hase, and a fiere lee ke ane

the arria ped and jstled ver the rh terra, frg gzhand qg t part , eah thg the sides f the arria, strglg t staright there fng this and that the relentless rkg, and en the arria hit a assive pdle, qg s tssed , tlg nt the dpath and rllg til her head strk a prtrg rk, pngg her rld t darkness

gzhstrethed her ar desperatel lkg k as she ried, "press" t the th n hrsek ared fr nthg t his ese, never ne lkg k

as he spred the hrses faster

at that nt, a fige d k th red lg sftldragd qg t the safetf the radside h, areflnealg her fre endg t the trees, peerg thrh the leaves t svethe sene

n after, ng rst frth, frantiallshg, "press! press~!" her silhtte, anied the rtlg f anhes, hastened as she ntd t hase the diretin the arria had vanished

at the pre''s ansin qgsh t

"at? lst her?" the pre rared, f th ra "didn''t lse self ile re at it! i entrted t seretlprtet qg''er, and at d g k? kn aid and this piee f jk irn dnke at gd are thet ? i nt qg''er k!"

ng drpped t her knees, her vie iverg, "i have failed please grant an hnrae death, adptive father"

the pre hed sharpland gred, "hnrae death, pah! at gd d that d? take thirtshes th the ilitarane and dn''t dare sh fae til g qg''er k!"

"s, sir!" ng respnded ekl

gzhtried t hi ftl "aster a the iss"

the pre her ff th a sp n the tae, " a re servant, have the aaitt retn th istress! i an''t stand the sight f t ! dn''t e k til fd istress!"

his anr still ilg, the pre sted fr a servant, rderg th n "g fd ''s gt the gall t ss th qg''er!"

the servant replied prptl "right a" and ked a t the pre alled aga, "hld , send rd t the ffiers, readthe trps the nt fd it is, reprt k idiatel"

"derstd" th that, the servant hried ff

the depths f a ave n qg ta, lthes hg dr n rh

den raks a fire ere a an s rastg a ld rait n a stik

qg slpened her es, and the an, ntig this, ntlasked, "ake n"

she ndded, her gaze iklfallg t her gaverat hangg n the rak, and asked th a ht f pani, " are at are pnng t d th ?" she thed herself tightl

the an ffered a reassg sile, "n need t fear, na is lengfeng"

he handed her the rasted rait, sa, " verat s all d i shed it fr it''s dr the fire dn''t rr i'' nt the te t take advanta f thers" he sat d side her and ntd, " ight ? are g hted? t hgrhere, eat this fresh rait ile it''s still r"

qg ted k a t t ata a distane, then tk the rasted at and gan t dev it hgrileen tes, she said, " a i? i an''t rer, it''s all a k t ares, let''s eat first"

after fishg her al th gt, she rearked, "the at is tender"

lengfeng replied, "it is, isn''t it? aht that rait jt n

at that, qg sdenlrethed, "hd eat a nn

lengfeng thed her reatin and rst t hearthter, "didn''t see t have anreservatins ile re eatg, haha reallan''t rer anhg?"

qg pndered fr a nt then shk her head, "nt a thg i an''t reall i a at all, n ipressins atever"

lengfeng respnded th a slight sile, "se an''t rer na, and 're dressed this flg green g, as elegant as a lt flr risg ave the ter, ha all ''hangn'' fr nn?"

n hearg this, qg ndded, a ht f j her vie, "alright~ i have a na n i shall alled hangn"

lengfeng strked his h, g al, "en re trle, fell fr the arria anes

ia d deed a pssilitafter fell, it seed there re attendants hasg after the arria, shg ''press'' at it given fanlthes, if the arria re a press, then t her pernal aid, right?"

hangn shk her head, "hangn desn''t kn

lengfeng hkled, "alright then, se an''t rer anhg, i an''t exatlppt ih ne fail're fr an''t send k if dn''t knere lng, ha e little sidekik? stik th , and at the verleast, 'll have at t eat~"

hangn ndded and said th a sile, "then, fr nn, n re eatg nnies, ka"
