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第1章 Snow Mountain Redemption

最新都市言情小说: 穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃

hter ne: snta redeptin (part i)

sean: ter

ather: heavsn

ti: night

latin: at the ft f the dng sntas

the tg ter at the se f dng''s sntas, the ndse is as enhantg as a drea der the night skere stars are sparse, the ite snkets the earth heavil like thik ttn the nd is frzen as far as the e an see, and the night d hs, arr th it snkes that ntlsh agast ne''s fae th a ne-hillg ld

arss the dete expanse f the snield, a an akes her hriedlthrh the snshe is dressed a rn grer, tattered and frad, revealg the ite dergarnt neath her lng hair is disheveled, and her heeks ar the th f frst her eath is rid, her es filled th terrr, her steps ik and heav leavg deep ftprts as if the snitself is tr t nsher

hd her, a sad f ldiers n hrsek raes thrh the snthear heavarr and pted irn helts adrned th k feathers as a ark f their statin eah ldier elds a dng srd, and their steeds, prf rhrses, pd the sn sendg fled ehes thrh the air their es pted diretlat her, thelse , f a tight irle ard her

"at have i dne t deserve this!" she ries despair, a tter h esg her, "ha ha ha if there is n j life, then at is there t fear death!" she is prepared fr her end t, the ldiers nt t ps her relentlessl

"annt ese!" ne ldier sneers ldl devid f etin his gaze "the rders are lear—exee n sight, and there ll a rerd n retn!" he andishes his sharp srd, readt strike

at that nt, a srd gleag th a ld light streaks thrh the air like a shtg star, its speed great that it knks the de

sendg e fr the ldier''s hand the srd nds th a redg g, deepledded the ie and sn

the an halts her traks, her gaze fixed n the srd ries s th her heart "the frst srd! d it " her sprise is palpae

at that nt, a fige prahes ridlhis lng hair ll the tg d, and the hand an k th red lg dits his irn steed t retrieve the "frst srd" he then gra the an''s hand and pls her nt the hrse''s k

"hld n t ," his deep vie arries thrh the night d

the an lgs tightlt hi fr hd as their hrse hars thrh the enirlent, strng and eldg althh the ldiers are elite grds fr dng, the an’s skill astnishes the

the an s his hrse frrd, and the "frst srd" his hand stantleits a rst f hillg light his srdprars like a dragn aidst a tepest, pierglld the frntst ldier desn''t even have ti t reat fre he is d fr his hrse several re ldiers fall ik sssin, thrg the thers t disarra

tears ll the an''s es: "lengfeng, it reallis " she thes at the rner f the an''s lthg as he valiantlttles the ldiers he ight nt hear her r perhs has n ti t respnd he fights like a irld ang the ldiers a feldiers eldg dng srds attept a side attak, t th a sg f his srd and a sff, "dare t a," he splits the dng srds

lengfeng, th the an t iklheads trds a ak pt the enirlent, shg "har~~," eakg thrh the ldiers'' kade their hrse eaks thrh like an arr the ps ldiers ked lengfeng''s fiere srdpthe shs f the ldiers grdistant as lengfeng nts t drive the hrse frrd, rng fr ver an h

the n is high, and the stars she ightl astg a fat gln the silver-ite snthe an slightllses her es and exhales, feelg a sense f peae and rth failiar t her se arrivg dng, alngside the d f the hrse''s sft hves

even as lengfeng raes, he reas ervant f their srdgs nlen he is se thehave esed their psrs des he hse a spt rd th trees the snt rest fr a ile

after ditg, lengfeng digs a hll the snand starts a fire th dranhes the firelight is espeiallight agast the night, itg the srdgs as if it re dathe an sits the fire, shiverg slightl her plexin pale, evidentlexhated fr the nstant fleeg lengfeng prahes her, dres his er garnt ver her shders, and sits shiverg arss fr her as he pkes at the fire, the fs ast deep refletins n his fae he lks at the an: "qg, it''s en a lng ti"

hter ne: snta redeptin (part ii)

qg thes the dang fs, a self-depreatg sile tgg at her lips: "lengfeng, i never thht 'd see sh a state it''s ite the jke fate has pd n "

lengfeng''s h ves slightlrd, t nern iklrepes his aent he sets the trh aside, s his ars ard hiself, and th a ix f nfin and nern asks, "hd a df state ht l are the ldiers after didn''t g e th t dng? reall en i see hi next, he''ll t an earf fr "

qg''s expressin sdenltns grave as she lks es th lengfeng: "g has dispeared" her vie is rete, arr an deniae rrthat s thrh lengfeng''s rds

lengfeng''s expressin freezes, his es deng, ntarillst fr rds: "at at d an, dispeared?" shk and dislief l

r his tne

qg''s es greven re ist, t she sll her tears, takes a deep eath, and tries t steadherself: "s, hnd has dispeared father fell viti t the hanellr''s shes, and entire fails exeed" her vie ivers slightlas she speaks she an''t help t pe athe tears that threaten t spill fr her es and nts, "the entire fail dg hnd and i, re nt spared t ver ese, hnd engad the psrs and tld t ard a ship first, sta hd t hld the ff haste, i ht tikets fr a ship t aria, t the ti i realized istake, it s t te it s nlafter arrivg that i learned this pe s dng, and t disa i disvered that the hanellr had lded th dng, extendg their pst even here"

after hearg qg''s str lengfeng feels as if he''s en drenhed iter, a shiver rng thrh hi—perhs fr the ld fllg a nt f silene, he tries t spress the til th hi: "g, i i realldidn''t expet sh a thg t hpen at are pns n"

qg tes her lr lip ntl the traks f her tears still visie n her fae th a ft sigh, she speaks a tender vie: "i have n h left se that da i''ve lst everhg i nt t fd hnd i nt t knhhe is t i have nere t start lkg, and i alst died at the hands f the psrs"

lengfeng''s expressin tns t ne f nern as he rs his hands, reddened fr the tg ld, and shivers, plg his lr t fend ff the d "the ldiers are t persistent, and it''s ttg t ld i nt t g k t r a stve if 're llg, an e th i rk fr kg pan; the ldiers dn''t dare t searh his pe th gd rean an ake lng-ter pns there i ll send peple t gather ratin a g"


g gives hi a lk that arries a ht f reprah and sa, "it sees that''s the nlptin fr nthank lengfeng if it ren''t fr tda i realldn''t knat d have e f fr this life-savg grae, i"

"dn''t fral th , re ne kn as the ''irn triangle''," lengfeng terrts qg, "k then, re arefree ne t k, 'll have t tell all a and g" as he speaks, he prepares t stand and feth their hrse

qg lks at lengfeng and ts at the he f his lthg, "let tell n and after str an leave"

at her rds, lengfeng shivers, "tell !"

qg starts t ret her da th g, "it s a dark and dnight h, that''s nt right," she rrets herself, gatherg her thhts, then sldrifts t her ries

"it s, ten ars ag n a srhg s da
