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第8章 Why the Coughing of Blood?(第2/2 页)

最新都市言情小说: 羽翼大明提灯贞观,冒充天人混大唐贬我成平民,战败后求我原谅?穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了

g adjted hiself slightland th a ste f respet, replied, "i lgize fr the trle, elder fan i trdidn''t pah attentin t this seal aside fr nt g ae t ntrl strength and nt g ae t fight reklessl i'' n different fr an rdarpern"

aster fan''s frd deepl "d realize that this is a rare seventh-degree seal?"

g shk his head, after ih aster fan ntd, "ever ped this seal did nt nt t leash this pr theight have feared the har strength d d t thers, hene the deisin t seal

it the sealer ahave had st terests d, t nthat the seal has raked, it likelannt hld anlnr if this prf fre is released, th phial nditin, i'' afraid"

qg dn''t help t terrt aster fan, "then le, t have a t heal g, right? i an''t lse hi please, save hi"

aster fan tk a deep eath and shk his head, "given his rent nditin, there''s little i an d, less…"

qg, ear, thed at aster fan''s sleeve, "le, please tell , less at?"

aster fan pndered fr a nt and said, "less he gs tivatin, t strengthen his phie thrh at''s kn as phial nditing and tivatin if he an enhane his nstitin and it th high-level ntal disiples, he ight ae t thstand this fridae pr"

g fred, "i an attept this phial nditing, t ere an i learn sh high-level ntal disiples?"

aster fan replied, "i an teah the serir ntal disiples f qgxian anr, t tehnies are nt passed n lightld need t j qgxian anr"

then, aster fan lked steadilat g, "are llg?"

qg ikltk ver the nversatin, "he''s llg," she nd g th her el"e n, sathg"

g d aga respnse, "i a gratef fr aster fan''s gdane, and i a llg t j aster fan''s ranks, please aept as disiple!"

aster fan lked at g, strked his ard, and ndded satisfatin, "verll, startg trr i ll ffiiallaept as a lse disiple f qgxian anr and ll teah the serir ntal disiples f anr i hpe thrh tivatin, an eak free fr the seal n and harness this sgg pr" th that, he slrse t his feet and headed trds the dr, "se 're ake and n idiate dan

r, ''ll hld the disiple itiatin erentrr

g sat straight d and d his head, "this disiple ds farell t aster" as he spke, he sdenlgan t h, and d anied the fit

qg, seeg g h d, ntlalled , "le, e ik and lk at hi!"

aster fan idiatelhalted his steps, tned ard, and a fsh, s at g''s dside he tped a fef g''s ats a frrf tin shrtlafter, g fell t a deep sleep, and qg aht hi, ntl hi k n the d

aster fan sighed, "this hild is still ak, trstrn t sit and talk sh a state nthat he''s hg d, an''t it anlnr ll hld the disiple itiatin erentnight, and he t learn the serir ntal disiples as n as pssie t stalize the ternal energth his rent nditin, it atake three t five ars fr a fl rever

qg''s fae shd sprise, "at three t five ars?"

aster fan ndded slightl then alled sharpl "ne e!" a disiple hried , and aster fan strted, "ntifall the disiples the anr t prepare fr the disiple itiatin erenidiatel

the disiple frd his pzled, "aster, aren''t disiple itiatin erenies al held the rng? r did i hear ng?"

aster fan''s gaze tned steel his vie ld, "at? an''t derstand rds? g prepare n" after iss his and, aster fan left the r

qg held g''s hand tightl isperg ftl "it''s alright, g, 'll fe nt jt three t five ars, even if it takes thirtr fiftars, i ll sta side!"

the deep night has set , and the stars are illiant the stne ssare f qgxian anr, hdreds f trhes have en lit, flikerg the night d, itg the sare a

s if it re daight n th sides f eah trh stand the disiples f qgxian anr, standg lseltther

the enter f the sare, a hden ptfr has en iklereted, n ih a arved h is ped g lies n the h, his plexin pale, pearg extrelak fengshand three ther disiples rilarrthe h the ptfr, areflpg it the enter

the disiples lare zzg th dissin, and anisper pts: "t thk that fr a sikld, the anr lrd d eak the preedent and take a disiple at idnight?"

"i heard that as n as he arrived at qgxian anr, the anr lrd nted t teah hi the per-level heart thd, and even let hi live tianji pavilin, thg dn''t even dare t drea f is he that he''s esteed?"

"at esteed? rrs have it that he jt zied t the anr lrd''s niee a gd-fr-nthg, risg t favr n a an''s attails t reeive the anr lrd''s grae and eakg the res t taken as a disiple" the ds f disntent and dt, like a lg k, srl ard the sare

ld fan stands side g''s h, hands hd his k, silent fr a nt he then speaks , his vie g arss the sare: "iet d, all disiples listen! tnight, i, fan jian, ll take this h as disiple and ipart t hi the per-level heart thd res, en it es t atters f life and death, i hse t eak"

after speakg, he tns t gne at g l n the h, then addresses the disiples aga: "ant derstand, t this an ll tre jir ther! are nt t straize hi; i expet t treat hi as an eal, t assist eah ther th anther tentins, d all derstand?"

l the s gradllsside, and , therespnd: " ll fllthe aster''s ands, the anr

lrd is se! ll fllthe aster''s ands, the anr lrd is se!" t the es f andisiples still shnfin hver, ld fan''s deisin is fal, and the itiatin erenndes aid the ter f the night d

