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第7章 Riding the Cable Car to the Mountain Summit(第2/2 页)

最新都市言情小说: 贬我成平民,战败后求我原谅?穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王

the elestial hild f tianshan addressed aster fan, "aster fan, i ll head k t the dial diet hall n

aster fan ndded slightland ved his hand, "g n th rk" then he tned t the gr, "kids, stik lse tther; the d''s strng here n the ta"

g''s attentin s ted a trg strte the distane, and he ired, "aster fan, at''s that trg strte fr? it''s ite agnifient"

aster fan exped, "that? that''s the tr f heaven it''s

ere the disiples f qgxian anr pratie their tivatin there are frtne levels ave grd and lneath the tr, a hial ast kn as ''tatngtian'' is sealed i''ll take all fr a t ter~"

as thelked and talked, theentered a spai trd and then t a r aster fan tk the seat f hnr and said t everne, "help selves t dried frts fr ni have rdered the gst rs t prepared that an rest ll se kids are here, staand enjfr a feda"

qg piked the nversatin, "le, haven''t tld a that agial devie ed n the ta"

aster fan thed his head and respnded, "h? that''s right~ haha, lk at r i had ftten"

g earlagreed, "s, ''ve heard that the aster f qgxian anr an ar thrh the skies th his srd, reped t the ner ne srd irtal the rld tda hver, see ridg an irn dnke

this nt aed aster fan: "hahaha, se have a th rds, g an i dare nt i t the rld''s ner ne, t fl th a srd is deed real hver, that reires a nsiderae at f spiritl energ and i'' ttg n ars—it''s ite tirg ps, i'' a t z afraid f heights, and it''s re frtae n the grd~" he then tned t qg, "as fr that agial devie" after a pae, he asked, "d reallnt t kn" everne ndded earlaster fan, seeg their isit said, "ll, if 're ear, i''ll tell the str

aster fan nt n t desri their arhaelgial endeavrs at qgxian anr, " ften dig deep t the earth fr explratin reahg three thand rds is alreadthe liit ne da dzens f ed a lt f spiritl energand fallke thrh the liit, reahg three thand and ne rds there fd a hie ave tian shan tngzi s t

he first ne t ra t the ave and he fd this irn dnkeat the ti, n ne kneat it s ed fr" as he spke, aster fan piked a ln fr a pte f dried frts and raked it pen th his ell phne, hg and nt, "these devies are verdifferent fr at raft learl their raftg tehnie is ite priitive n atter hh spiritl energ p t the, it dissipates and an''t harnessed this diates that it''s dtedla n irn et after extensive researh and refshnt, addg a den seat and a le f sall eels ade h re sense"

everne listened tentlt aster fan''s str their faes shg expressins f astnishnt

seeg everne tivated, aster fan piked his ell phne th even re enthias, "at d thk the anients ed sh th piees f irn fr? it sees jt right fr rakg lns ''ve d anth detetg a ht f spiritl fttin sh lend devies, real, an easilspassed angner"

g, i, asked, "aster fan, t partilterested the lifeste f the anient tis, hene everhg e is lselreted t the past?"

aster fan ndded, "h ite right," and lked ver t the side, vg a r ptted pnt t reveal a shg ahe

he tk psti flrs and a hand-held fan, disp the and sa, "see, nt everhg dig fr neath the ie r is a lend devie take this, fr exle, it an ed th fg anspiritl energ he phed the fan and said, " spend ars pratig t ae t sn the d, t lk at this little thg, an rdarpern jt phes it, and, ah? it nerates a l eeze ite fasatg, isn''t it?"

"perhs the anients had given n the path f tivatg irtalit ptg fr a different re," aster fan

ed, ne aga phg the little fan and handg it t qg, iitated the tin and delighted the l eeze it nerated

"their ivilizatin ahave en far hd s, t their artistrs ite thg," he ntd, handg a flr t eah pern "take a lk at these drags, rearkae, aren''t the the lrs, the pignts, and the rhhi strkes, despite g frzen fr ten thand ars, rea vivid i''ve even adted f rent reipes sed n these patgs"

g ndded, as if derstandg thg fr the first ti, "h that''s everhg at the tivatr''s arket seed peiar en first arrived"

after his talk, aster fan phed the little fan qg''s hand, "this little giz—let''s have it as a keepsake fr le," he said then he tned t everne else, addg, "nthat the str's fished, ha all g fr fresh air?"

at that nt, g ade a ''tss, tss'' d, drag qg''s attentin he gave feng sha sidelng gne and then raised his e at qg

qg aht n idiateland said, "h, right, le, atlla here fr anther rean and re hpg d help th it"

aster fan''s knitted slightlth nern as he addressed qg, "dear niee, there''s n need fr fralities th jt tell at need"

qg hesitated fre speakg pl "le, here''s the thg—feng shharrs se energth hi, t it''s spressed kd f seal, ih is ag his sggish vents and slreatins re hpg d help reve this seal"

aster fan estined, "is this a nnital seal r ne that s ipsed ter?" he exaed feng shre lsel hekg his ars and ntg, "the seal isn''t n the li ih lldiates a hereditarseal it''s trikt nt th tins"

g, trigd, i

red, "a seal an hereditar"

nddg, aster fan erated, "f se entral ps, anare rn th elestial dies, dested fr the path f tivatin thse rrians fr the eastern seas, envi f elestial dies, have devised this hereditarsealg se it trnts the sealed, greatlipedg their lives it''s tralevlent"

he then addressed qg, " father''s atin t ifthe eastern seas sees jtified n tng t feng sh he ntd, "ile the press t d the seal is triate and fraht th pliatins, there are anthds t relve it there''s hpe fr liftg a hereditarseal; it''s h re preati if it''s aired ter aired seals are ped en ne''s elestial dis verlative and nd the pern''s ntrl, ften ipsed k r failrs it ear n different fr an rdarpern''s nditin, t it''s h harder t lift"

lkg k at qg, he added, "'d hard-pressed t fd even ne pern th an aired seal ten thand" then, tng t g, he rified, "p sipl hereditarseals are first-degree, ile aired seals are f a h higher, seventh-degree plexit

g pndered fr a nt fre askg, ", elder fan, at''s the thd t lift feng sh's seal?"

aster fan refleted ieflfre repl, "ile it''s a first-degree seal, the tin is nt straightfrrd ne t first st gseng fr hangi ta t vigrate the d en vitalitis at its peak, all ridians t severed, then idiatelplnan i t ste the flat the heart''s ridian afterrds, ne t ak the sared pl the frnt trd fr seven da t aits essene and allthe ridians t renerate this is the t lift the seal that he a distgshae fr a nral pern, t have fl ntrl ver his tr fr" he shk his head,

"as, these dies 'll have t nst tian shan tngzi fr the dial diet hall he al sa fate is predested and never terferes the affairs f thers"

g hkled, "at a idene, elder fan i have all the dies ntined, all n, granteed"

qg siled respnse, "shall t started then?"

aster fan sdenlterjeted, "it a e, ''s gg t sever the ridians? are expetg this ld an t eak the eakae, the irn-d df feng sh"

he then pled a pket th and gned at it, "ll it''s nearlti fr dner, let''s eat first"

feng sh had en silent st f the ti, fallspke , "eat, let''s eat"

