首页 > 都市言情 > 无情冷漠的图片 > 第15章 Are You There?

第15章 Are You There?(第2/2 页)

最新都市言情小说: 穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃

as thepd, aster fan spke, "g, 've en trag fr ti n and tivatin has signifiantliprved it''s ti fr t erk n higher-level tivatin an''t al fear the seal th trt pen it, trt eae the prirdial pr side

g fred, pg a hess piee d, then said th nern, "t aster, even slight raks the seal previlleashed pr that ade fat tiple tis i'' rried that if the seal pleteleaks"

aster fan hkled lightl terrtg hi, "hlng has it en se st fated? dn''t rrt h a seven-sta seal as the na iplies, it has seven stas and n''t eak all at ne th rent phie and the heart thd i''ve taht eakg thrh the first sta f the seal shd anaae fd ti t g t the tngtian tr n the k ta and tivate th


"s, aster," g respnded respetfl

aster fan ped anther hess piee and spke sl "rer, eah eakthrh ll g a heavenltritin trt ense i a th eah ti eak thrh, i an help ende these tritins"

"aster, it''s ti fr dner~" rxi heerflentered, arr a trafl f fd

aster fan ndded prvgl "verll, g, dn''t need t g t the afeteria tdastahere and de th " then, he tned t rxi and asked, "didn''t fengshg d the ta t e fr ? hasn''t he retned t?"

rxi pndered fr a nt and replied, "h it has deed en ite ti"

g hkled, "aster, dn''t rrthat h g n''t t lst"

as there hattg, fengsh's vie rang fr side, "gss i''ve ht k?" as his rds ehed, everne''s gaze shifted trds the dr, ere fengshentered jl

g teased, "ve aside, g g 're kg the dr han see?"

fengshhkled and stepped aside fllg hi, a disheveled an entered, ag aster fan and g t exi sprise, "gzh"

g asked earl "gzh 're here? is qg al th "

aster fan then asked th nern, "gzh are lthes sh a state? at hpened?"

tears filled gzh's es as she spke trel "aster g, aster fan, g iss g iss, she"

g idiatelstd , anxilpr, "at a g iss? at hpened? tell !"

fengshikltervened, "al d, al d 're sarg her"

aster fan, ervg g''s agitatin, allsaid, "g, sit d i''ve seen h life; let ask her"

he then tned his ntle gaze trds gzh "gzh hhas g iss en dg?"


stantlstread d gzh's fae as she hked , " g iss she''s gne issg"

the llpsed aster fan std ikl "at? issg?"

g idiatelflld , "everhg s fe en she left, hd she g issg?"

gzh relae t speak thrh her tears, exped, "en reahed qg ta, re aed ndits the g ds taken a the ndits and then nt issg"

after a nt f thht, aster fan said, "i heard that the pre reentlled a aign agast the ndits perhs g iss has alreaden resd then did e here?"

gzhed, "the pre tld t t and fd the g iss t i'' all alne and didn’t knere t start , i thht f qgxian anr, hpg that ther fengshand aster g d help i stagred all the here"

fengshadded, "i ran t gzhile e at the tivatr''s arket talk a idene, right?"

g said ntl "idene ft! ere is qg n i t g d the ta!" he idiatelstd and headed trds the dr

aster fan ked g, speakg thgl "g, qianlie tis vast hd knere she is? the pre had alreadled his n t eliate the ndits a ile ag perhs qg''er has en resd departe night ae re has than help staand f n tivatin i ll ite t the pre t ire a her sittin" he then nt t his desk, grd k, and te a letter he tk a arrier pin fr its a, attahed the letter t its leg, and released it

g dn''t help t ask, "aster, did ntin the letter?"

aster fan shk his head, "pr hild"

g asked aga, "then aster, did ntin gzh the letter?"

aster fan shk his head aga, then strted, "rxi,

take gzht han her lthes and then g eat" rxi ndded agreent and led gzha

nfed, g asked, "then aster, hll ire the letter?"

aster fan siled slightl "i''ll jt ask hi ''are there?''"

