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第2章 My Youthful Days (Part One)(第2/2 页)

最新都市言情小说: 羽翼大明提灯贞观,冒充天人混大唐贬我成平民,战败后求我原谅?穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了

the nlkg hildren peeked th a ix f expressins – fright, sath nfin, and sprise nrallrespetae, the drken teaher s a pitiae sight

"t k, all f " he rked, and the hildren iklthdretheir heads after allatg g, he threthe and sd the dr sh th a l ng

vered d, g anad a tter sile, "heh, at gd is hellish dive strength?" he ped ad fr his nse and sat d, terg t hiself a the se f his ntrle pr, ih al led t g led a nster th the nt drizzle as his nlpanin, he leaned agast the drpst and sd t sleep…

as the night deepened, a grand arria pled t the rphana it s qg, had heard

the night than''s ar and had e t vestigate the arria s srded dzens f stern-faed attendants k, their trhes flikerg the ra

the streets f qg sh tre lldeserted lkg fr her arria, qg saa frlrn fige sittg at the rphana entrane, his lthes aked the ra, the stas f d stark agast the fai she iklpened the arria dr and hried trd the shad fige

g ake t qg''s arrival, his fae arked th the trails f tears, lkg terldete

qg''s heart felt as thh it re g slied pen a sharp knife as she knelt t eae hi, "hdid this hpen hd this hpen" the ra n her deliate heeks gled th her tears as she ntltk his hand, "re fe dg the da

the attendg servants, tnessg the sene, re filled th ra the head servant hastilasked, "press, shall give that tr a lesn?"

qg lked , her es ig th an irelve, "g, fd that an fr , i nt hi t pafr this!"

several servants dashed t the rphana like a lt f lightng and n dragd the tr fr his r stlg th r es and a fshed fae fr drk, the tr red slightlat the sight f the press and the ipsg attendants, fear spreadg arss his fae the servants kiked the tr d at qg''s feet

qg''s gaze tensified as she held the dstaed the trd and then g''s died fae, her heart ahg even re she ntlset g aside and slstd , ptg at the tr th a ld and steadgaze, relntag her f "s it jed g?"

the tr, vereld the sden tn f events, iklfell t his knees ggg fr r treg as he spke, "press i adit fat i had n idea this this gifted g knethe pre


as qg''s es fshed th an igre, she ldlrearked, ", nt kng ne is a rean fr t at the at ll?" her slight gne signaled the servants "at are itg fr? d it!"

the servants iklgrasped the press''s tent jt as thereahed t seize the tr, he vilentlke free and raed t the press''s feet, thg at the he f her garnt "press, please, have r spare life, press" he pleaded, knkg his head n the grd repeatedl

"preed!" qg tned her k, llg t tness anre f the tr''s plight

the servants, eldg heavstiks, advaned trd the tr his ries f agnfilled the air der their "ah! press, i'' nd! it s hi, he stle he stle drfd, i s relteahg hi a lesn ah, press, t see jtie dne" he iled aidst the pishnt

qg''s e ither ssted a pae, pssifdg the tr''s expnatin ag r ad flikg radrps fr her sleeve, she tned k th isitsharpeng her vie, "is that idea f edatin? ae hi f stealg stead ns—ere is prf?"

th the and t halt, the servants stepped k, allg the tr, sed and fearf, t speak "theall eat arse gras en i retned at night, i fd hi eatg f fe gra stead ns," he said

qg spressed a sigh and shk her head th a sirk, "ah, stead ns? i gave thse t g elf are ipl i'' a thief as ll?"

the tr''s plexin tned ashen, sdenlrealizg the ight hd the stead ns and their nnetin t the press he sttered, tr t fr a defense, t fear left hi at a lss fr rds

raisg her h slightl qg anded th grae, "se 're fnd f stead ns, ha fr nn, nlt t have prrid, and n re

ns?" she then sted t the servants, "pl his frnt teeth" the ld falit her vie left n r fr fther dissin as the gri nseene f his atins aited the tr

the tr, petrified, t hiself and tried t all fr help, t the servants iklrestraed hi, givg n hane fr expnatins ne f the servants tk a allet and sftlknked his frnt teeth the tr''s agnized sreas, espeiallpierg the ranight, ehed hatgl

qg pressed n th her esting, "father dnates fe gras t the rphana evernth i thenleat arse gras, ere have the fe gras gne? have en eatg the? r sellg the fr silver?"

the tr, gaspg fr eath and atteptg t defend hiself, s sharpl ff qg, "sh ! i have n terest exes"

qg gned aga at g, then ftlheld hi, isperg, "if 're ever llied aga, jt vke na"

she then tned t the tr th an istare, "dare there a ''next ti'', and i ight jt tell father t f"

the tr''s fae s a pite f terrr, his diverg ntrlth teeth issg, his speeh istled th eah desperate plea he ndded vigrl signalg his derstandg, "i dare nt, i dare nt ever aga thank press, fr r fr sparg life i a llg t at the press''s k and all, t g thrh fire and ter at and sd, press"

qg gned at the tr, shk her head th a light sigh, and d farell t g the servants held a r rel fr her as she gt t the arria she and her enta left the rphana, dispearg t the night as the arria arr the press reeded t the distane, the drs f the rphana sllsed hd her

