首页 > 都市言情 > 无情冷漠还有什么词语 > 第14章 Too Full of Himself, Mustve Dozed Off

第14章 Too Full of Himself, Mustve Dozed Off(第2/2 页)

最新都市言情小说: 穿越之玩转新民国抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃

eanr shifted stantl "h, please, t , t !" he then rdered the servants, "hr tie hi!"

"right a" thereplied, iklfreeg tianshan tngzi

the pre earlanded, "g a seat, prepare tea!"

tianshan tngzi ved it ff, "n need t trle self, highness i an''t handle the fs feelg tter?"

the pre ndded th a sile, "i'' fit as a fiddle jt gt a t arried aissg qg''er, ade a rean t re her k didn''t expet all this t"

tianshan tngzi hi ff, "alright, n need fr re se 're fe, i''ve ffilled aster fan''s task if there''s nthg else, i''ll n he then tned t leave

the pre iklstepped frnt f tianshan tngzi, pleadg, "it, it, dive healer, lk little girl, the pri f her h, she''s ll an''t jt let her lie there like this"

tianshan tngzi replied differentl "i lldn''t ddle rldlatters life and death are predested" he paed, asllstrkg his ard seeg the pre''s anxi gaze, tianshan tngzi added, "se 're askg, i''ll ake an exeptin, t jt this ne, n repeats lead the

as tianshan tngzi lked trds the dr, the pre, ag th relief, flld, "s, s, i'' tr de please!" he led tianshan tngzi t qg''s r

after takg her pse, tianshan tngzi shk his head and said sternl "g a pt f ad e and rast hikens"

the pre idiatelrdered the servants, "did nt hear? hr!"

the servants iklplied, "right a" and sried ff

the pre anxilasked tianshan tngzi, "at''s ng? even 're shakg head dahter''s illness"

tianshan tngzi terrted, "n rh, it n''t ake a differene a nt"

n, a servant a th the e and hikens, " highness

, the e and hikens are read

tianshan tngzi graed a hiken and started devg it, shg it d th sips f e, terg, "starvg en as se i had at"

the pre, pzled, asked, "dive healer, at did jt sa"

tianshan tngzi iklrreted hiself, "h, i an, it''s nt jt siple anesia she''s en der a lve spell se hildhd, kn t all"

lengfeng, had en silent, dn''t help t ask, "at is a lve spell?"

tianshan tngzi s a t exp, "this lve spell, siir priple t the ''heartless pill'' i nted, is" t fre he d fish, the pre slightlshk his head at hi, as if tr t neal thg

tianshan tngzi slld the rds he s a t saand ntd, "at this lve spell is isn''t iprtant at atters is ht eak it t eakg the spell ight destalize the fdantal seal side her d it''s hard t sa

lengfeng asked sprise, "at? she has a seal side her?"

the pre iklterjeted, tg ff tianshan tngzi, "dive healer, n need fr details jt tell ht e her"

tianshan tngzi shk his head, "treatg this lve spell is trikthe deeper the lve, the faster it''s ftten t treat this spell, need snfr s, frst fr ter, a drp f d fr her lved, and the gras f this rld fall ne t take n her lve spell, at''s kn as ''takg ver the se'' ne the spell transfers t anther pern, it ll transfr t a different spell, preditae nate"

the pre replied, "i'' nt afraid t take it ver"

tianshan tngzi shk his head aga, "'re versiplif it the ne takes ver an''t a lse retive; it t an sider, and this pern t have feelgs f lve fr her t eak the spell"

lengfeng idiatelrespnded, "n need t rr i

a llg t ere an fd sn s?"

