首页 > 都市言情 > WuQingLeng > 第8章 Why the Coughing of Blood?

第8章 Why the Coughing of Blood?(第1/2 页)

最新都市言情小说: 抗战雄心侍炎乱世英雄抗日之浩然正气袅凤有毒净坛使者:我在大元从心开始帝师总管海雷丁传奇亮剑:开局教老李当学霸潜伏者震,就是这样的汉子黑夜将尽我明明想当昏君,怎么成了千古一帝海权时代桃花小县令世子妃她早想和离了我家动物园通大唐,爆宠小兕子战争之王医品狂妃暴君刘璋

hter eight: the hg f d?

sean: a

ather: raafter the ra

ti: the tn fr dat night

latin: qianlie t- qgxian anr

the iss f fengsh's seal ighed heaviln everne, astg a r d aster fan''s es revealed a ht f nern, learlnt flnfident a the sealg thd "after dner, shall g," aster fan hesitated fre fallnddg agreent qg and g exhand siles, as if thesahpe n the hrizn

after the al, aster fan led everne t a sealed r the trd the enter f the r s a r arrafilled th res, srded altars and tial tls aster fan sted fr fengsht stand the enter f the arra then tned t g, "g the prepared dial her"

g prded gseng and nan i fr his , pg the fre aster fan aster fan ndded, "d nt e near dg the sealg" he then gan the preparatin fr the sealg ritl

aster fan held his staff, fg his d, standg side fengsh and gan t hant ftlthe andles n the altars lit th his antatin, fillg the r th a teri aa, and fengsh's dgradllgan t levitate, as if envelped and ntrlled the arraaster fan ved sftl leavg a f tin as he pened fengsh's h and serted the esent gseng fr hangi ta the dial pr f the gseng tk effet, and fengsh's dverted the air

qg held g''s hand tightl her es ig th rr

then, aster fan ntrlled the srd th his d, and several afterias f the hilt strk fengsh's ridians like lightng side fengsh it seed a trend energs g akened, eah hilt strike akg this energre ative

n, fengsh's dgan t slright itself id-air, hveri

ng steadilat that nt, aster fan''s atins sped , a passed, and he ne aga pened fengsh's h t feed hi the nan i the energside fengshgradllstalized, and aster fan al sighed relief

jt then, fengsh's dstarted nvsg ntrlg, seeg this, reahed t pl fengshk en sdenla l erted g seed t trn art the energreleased fr the sealg and s stantlfng several ters athe akened fengshal fell fr the air, aht deftl gzhfengshslpened his es: " aif," he ed fre passg aga

seeg g fng several ters fengsh's pr, qg''s heart tightened she rhed ver, allg anxil "g! g, hare ke , please!" at this nt, g''s right ar gan t eit a ight light, flikerg essantl

aster fan, sensg this l aa, ved stantlt g''s side he stared tentlat the raked seal n g''s right ar, his expressin hangg sdenl g, "nt gd!" his frs ved like the d, pressg several pts n g''s dile ntlsa, "didn''t tell earlier that g al had a seal? this seal has en shattered a prf energ reatg raks i'' nnlteprarilkg his heart ridian, spressg the energth his d t this is jt a teprartin this seal s aired ter, and ne it pleteleaks, i fear g''s dn''t thstand sh pr" sa this, aster fan piked g and ran frantialltrds the dial diet hall

g d, slpeng his es his gaze first fell n qg, s dzg ff the dside, itg fr hi t aken his thrat s dr t he ade an effrt t speak, "at at hpened t ?"

hearg g''s vie, qg, th tired, reddened es, sat : "'re

fallake after seal raked, 've en nsi d have anidea hsared i s?" sa this, she hriedlpened the dr and alled harsel "ne e ik! g is ake!"

tianshan tngzi flld qg t the r, prahed g''s dside, and tk his pse frg slightl he said, "kat, it''s gd ht k thse her qg fd gandera i ed this gandera th ate tehnies t save th it, i fear d''ve en lng gne"

qg held g''s hand, tears her es: "i reallthht dn''t ke aga i s rried"

g ffered a ak sile, aressed qg''s head, and nled her, "sillgirl, i'' fe dn''t rr everhg''s kan he then sat , tned t tianshan tngzi, and d, "thank fr agnaniit savg , despite past i dn''t knhi an ever repa kdness"

tianshan tngzi ved his hand t terrt, "talk f repat is neessarjt refra fr takg thgs the fe aster fan reallares a this is tianji pavilin; nt jt anne is alld it gathers the essene f the s and the n, and ternall there''s even re terrest here ll; it''s nefiial fr reverand an al help t enhane tivatin"

fengshphed the dr pen and a , expressg his nern, "g, 're fallake i feel reallgltfr knkg dg the sealg here, i''ve heated ter fr t and let pe fae"

g lked at fengshand raked a sall sile, "fatt feelg glt ha, lk at all tter, h?"

fengshndded, "s, vents are k t nral, i speak faster, and reatins are iker t t i still need t ak the sared pl fr a fere da thanks t and qg''s help, i s ae t e here and a g

thanks t aster fan fr liftg seal"

qg ntlpatted g''s hand, " flish ther isn''t flish anre need t rever iklt; ''ve all en verrried a

as there talkg, gzha th a steag f prrid and pikles, "iss, shd eat thg haven''t eaten three da"

g, sprised, said, "three three da? i''ve en nsi fr three da?"

gzhndded, "s, 've en ld, sleepg aanile, iss has en vigtlthg ver dside fr three da and nights"

qg gzhff, "gzh n re talk f that g the prrid here; i''ll feed g"

fengshsrathed his head, "tianshan tngzi has prepared a die, it shd readn i''ll feth it, and ae it''s tter t take the die fre eatg"

gzhtered, "th eatg, hll he have the strength fr die? he shd eat first, then take his die"

g, fr the d, spke ftl "dn''t arg, an i jt have ter first? i'' thirst

aster fan, hearg this, entered the r, fixg his gaze n the nake g he spke th prfd gravit "'re fallake t thk had sh a seal th didn''t r frehand?"
